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Filter Media

BioSpongeBioSponge PlusBioPleatMicroSponge
Biosponge AIRTEVA Filter
Biosponge plus filter
Biopleat home air filter
merv 14 air filter
Cost per month

Lint, Dust & Debris
Pollen & Mold Spores
Pet Dander
Auto Emissions & Smoke
Bacteria & Tobacco Smoke
Arrestance: @ .50" w.g.87%93%95%97%

Airflow: In. w.g. @ 300 fpm.

Replace 60 daysReplace 60 daysReplace 90 daysReplace 90 days

10 Years10 Years10 Years10 Years

Breathe Healthily, Be Happy.
You'll feel better knowing the air you're breathing is healthier. AIRTEVA home air filters are up to 60 times more effective in capturing dangerous fine particles and fumes from your air, compared to ordinary store-bought A/C filters.